What helps peony tincture, how to take it correctly

Altai shamans and Tibetan healers have used the evading peony in their practices since time immemorial. Siberia is considered the birthplace of this plant; it is also found in China, Tibet, and the Urals. In the pharmacy, you can find several dosage forms of peony: tablets, raw materials, tincture. The most popular is the liquid form. It is convenient to use and store. Today, the benefits and harms of peony tincture have been studied and recommended by official medicine.

Peony tincture composition

Peony extract is a clear brown liquid with the smell of methyl salicylate. It includes: the aerial part of the plant, its roots and ethyl alcohol (40%). The health benefits and harms of peony tincture are due to the properties of the nutrients included in it:

  • essential oils - contribute to the regulation of metabolism and digestion;
  • tannins and organic acids - contribute to the normalization of vital processes in the body;
  • antibiotics - help to destroy bacteria and viruses;
  • glycosides - improve the work of the heart system.

Useful properties of peony tincture

Most often, peony is used as a sedative, but there are other beneficial properties:

  • the ability to relieve cramps and spasms;
  • destruction of harmful microorganisms and viruses thanks to a natural antibiotic;
  • successful fight against pain of various origins;
  • stimulation of wound healing;
  • normalization of blood supply.

The benefits of peony tincture for men

Although peony is not a strong aphrodisiac, it has a beneficial effect on the erectile function of men, enhancing sexual activity. The positive effect of peony tincture is the ability to regulate hormonal balance. It will be useful for men with a high testosterone content to bring it back to normal, relax the nervous system during stress, heavy physical exertion.

Why is peony tincture useful for women

The beneficial properties of peony make it possible to actively use it in gynecology. The herbal tincture is recommended for cervical erosion, mastopathy, climacteric complications. It helps the remedy during a violation of the cycle, painful or heavy menstruation. Peony is able to stimulate estrogen levels, helps relieve chest pain, and promotes the resorption of seals in case of mastopathy. But the tincture is just an adjunct. It is necessary to undergo complex treatment under the guidance and supervision of a gynecologist, since if taken uncontrollably, you can get harm to the body.

Indications for the use of peony tincture

The hypnotic and sedative effect of peony tincture is best known. Precisely as a natural remedy with such beneficial properties, you can buy it at the pharmacy. But the healing power of the peony is not limited to these qualities, it is also shown:

  • to normalize metabolism;
  • increasing efficiency;
  • fight against phobias and obsessions;
  • restoration of the central nervous system;
  • fight seizures;
  • prevention of internal bleeding;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • fight epilepsy.

The beneficial properties of the extract are recognized by official medicine; it is used as an adjuvant against insomnia, neuroses, and climacteric disorders.

Rules for using tincture and dosage

Shake the drops before use. Reception should be carried out 20 minutes before meals. Frequency rate of daily intake - 2 - 3 times. Single dose - 30 - 40 drops. The drug begins to act in an hour and a half after application. But the indicator can vary depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. Duration of action - about three hours The course of treatment - a month. To consolidate the effect, it is worth repeating the treatment after six months. To avoid causing harm, side effects, for children, the use of tincture is allowed from the age of 14. The dosage for them is calculated simply: a year of life is equal to one drop.

Attention! Consultation with a therapist or pediatrician about the benefits and appropriateness of admission, dose and frequency is required.

With menopause

The benefit of the drug for women in menopause consists in a sedative and analgesic effect. at this difficult time for a woman, peony tincture will also help from “nerves”. Taking 15 drops orally before meals three times a day can reduce some of the symptoms of menopause:

  • hot flashes;
  • unreasonable mood swings;
  • excessive sweating;
  • jumps in blood pressure.
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On average, the course should last about 4 weeks.

With mastopathy

In this pathology, the anti-inflammatory, sedative, antioxidant properties of peony extract are most important. Its use helps in the fight against edema, pain in the area of ​​the mammary glands, in removing toxins and improving blood supply. A positive effect on the nervous system normalizes the mental state of a woman.

In gynecology

Tincture of peony leaves or roots is recommended for the treatment of cysts and tumors of the cervix. This remedy is not used as an independent medicine, but as an adjunct to the main treatment recommended by a doctor. Method of application: 25 drops three times a day 30 minutes before meals for a month.

Important! It should be remembered that the peony petal tincture is an abortifacient.

For epilepsy

Peony tincture for sedation is indicated for disorders in the functioning of the nervous system. In addition to insomnia, hysteria, encephalopathy, the drug is used for epilepsy for complex treatment. Anticonvulsants prescribed for this pathology are harmful to the body. Using tincture, you can reduce the dose of these drugs and significantly reduce the harm caused to health. After consulting with your doctor, peony extract can be used for 1 hour. l. in 15 minutes before meals three times a day.

To relieve joint pain

A useful plant can help cope with excruciating joint pain, sciatica, sciatica. The drug is used externally, rubbed into sore joints. You can cook it yourself. Peony flowers are filled with petals, filled with vodka, left in a dark place for 2 weeks. After 14 days, filter, use for grinding.

The use of peony tincture in cosmetology

The essential oil included in the plant is valuable for cosmetic preparations that nourish and refresh the skin, relieve inflammation, and smooth wrinkles. A preparation is used for hair care: it removes their oily shine, stimulates blood circulation in the scalp. With the help of tincture, you can control metabolism at the cellular level, stimulate the work of collagen, relieve irritation, and retain moisture inside the skin.Thanks to the presence of organic acids, the internal structure of the hair is improved.

For facial skin

The tincture is recommended for cleansing the skin of the face before applying the mask. For these purposes, it should be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Otherwise, you can get redness, peeling. Wipe your face with the prepared solution for acne and acne. The antiseptic properties of the tincture will help cleanse the skin, dry it a little.

For hair

For care, the extract must be diluted with plain water in equal proportions, heated a little, rubbed into the hair roots of the scalp. The recommended frequency of using this mask is 3 times a week. After 10 minutes, wash off the mask with shampoo. The result of its application is the normalization of sebum production, stimulation of blood vessels and bulbs: hair will grow better. Thanks to the amino acids contained in the peony, it is possible to get rid of dandruff and strengthen the roots.

How to make a peony tincture at home

Drops can not only be bought at a pharmacy, but also made independently, if the necessary raw materials are available. The root of the plant must be dug out, cleaned well, rinsed thoroughly. After drying, grind in a meat grinder along with the leaves of the plant. Mix the roots and leaves in a 2: 1 ratio. Put the raw materials in a container, pour alcohol in a ratio of 10: 1. The tincture dish should be dark glass. Place the finished solution in a dark place for two weeks, then strain and apply using the dosage of the pharmacy tincture. When the procurement of raw materials is difficult, but there is a possibility of acquiring a peony in pharmacy chains and online pharmacies, you can prepare a preparation using vodka.

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Cooking method:

  1. Pour 2 tsp. raw materials 500 g of vodka.
  2. Insist in a dark place for 8 days.
  3. Strain.

Use as directed by your doctor.

Harm and contraindications

In addition to benefits, the tincture can be harmful if used incorrectly or if contraindications are ignored. The drug can lead to distraction of attention, drowsiness. Therefore, its use should be excluded for those who need concentration of attention while driving a car. In case of an overdose, drowsiness, weakness, headache and dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and itching are possible. If such symptoms appear, you should stop taking the tincture, immediately consult a doctor. Contraindications to admission can be pathologies:

  • gastritis with high acidity - the drug increases acidity;
  • hypotension - peony tincture lowers blood pressure;
  • obesity - peony increases appetite;
  • individual intolerance.

Peony tincture for children

Although the effect of herbal preparations is milder than synthetic ones, they should be used with extreme caution in relation to children. Peony belongs to poisonous plants and its tincture is not as harmless as it is believed. The effect of the peony on the child's body has not been thoroughly studied. Therefore, it is not used in the treatment of children. The alcohol in the tincture can also be harmful.

Peony tincture during pregnancy

The abortive effect of the peony has long been known in folk and official medicine. After applying the tincture, the smooth muscles of the uterus may contract, leading to a miscarriage. In addition, in the early stages of pregnancy, the properties of a peony can adversely affect the tissues and organs of the fetus. Therefore, during pregnancy, the use of peony is strictly prohibited.

Overdose and side effects

It is believed that peony tincture is not harmful to the heart, but with hypotension, a side effect can develop - an even greater decrease in blood pressure. Cases of drug overdose are extremely rare. If they do occur, symptoms may develop:

  • drowsiness;
  • drop in blood pressure below 100 mm Hg. Art .;
  • stomach pains, vomiting, nausea.

If an overdose has occurred, it is necessary to wash the stomach, take tonics.


It must be remembered what the benefits and harms of peony tincture can be obtained as a result of its use. The drug is a sedative, sold without a prescription. It is not curative, it can only support the body, accelerating recovery. But it must be used with great care, observing the dosage and advice of the attending physician.

Reviews of doctors

Solomatina Lyudmila Sergeevna, 43 years old, Moscow
I try to recommend herbs in different forms to relieve stress and tension. Peony tincture as a sedative is an excellent remedy for such cases.
Ivantsova Irina Petrovna, 34 years old, Smolensk
I often prescribe peony tincture to my patients for menopause. Helps with a sharp change in mood, hot flashes.
Kuznetsov Viktor Alexandrovich, 56 years old, Kirov
Patients, especially older ones, often complain of sleep disturbance. At this age, they are already taking pills. Since I don't want to add another chemical in this case, I often recommend a peony tincture for sleeping.

Patient reviews

Shuvalova Nina, 65 years old, Krasnodar
Five years ago I used peony tincture for mastopathy. Ultrasound showed that the ducts were unchanged, and the number of cysts decreased.
Gudilina Maria, 25 years old, Murmansk
I had a follicular cyst, they sent me for an operation, they said that the operation was simple. I turned to another doctor, who advised me not to rush and drink a course of peony tincture with an ovarian cyst. Three months later, there was no trace of the disease.

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