Xanthan gum: what it is, benefits and harms, industrial use

Xanthan gum is a dietary supplement. Few have heard of it, but it is often used in the food industry. When studying the composition, many are worried about whether this or that product is safe, what harm it can cause. From official sources, we can conclude that the E415 supplement is absolutely safe when consumed in moderation.

What is xanthan gum (E415)

Xanthan gum is a thickener or stabilizer. It is a popular type of dietary supplement that was discovered in the late 20th century. Experts have studied the properties of the preservative for a long time, but after numerous studies, they found it safe. There are no restrictions on the use of food with such an additive.

E415 additive is produced in the laboratory. It means soluble fiber - carbohydrates. They absorb water from the digestive tract, thereby slowing down metabolic processes.

What is the stabilizer E415 made of?

A thickener is formed during the fermentation of sugar by bacterial agents. At the end of this process, a sticky consistency will appear. When combined with alcohol, it hardens. Then the resulting composition is dried and turned into a powdery mass.

If you add xanthan gum to the water, it will quickly dissolve. As a result of this reaction, a stable and viscous solution will appear.

Xanthan gum is sold as a white powder of white color

The benefits and harms of xanthan gum

Xanthan gum has no healing effect. A food additive is a chemical compound. When it enters the digestive tract, it does not react. It is displayed unchanged.

Experts believe that the use of xanthan gum helps to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and slow down digestive processes. Feelings of satiety quickly appear after eating food with the additive. E415 preservative swells in the stomach. Some scientists are of the opinion that the thickener has some anti-cancer effect and helps to remove extra pounds.

Food supplement E415 is considered a good thickener. The food becomes thicker after adding it. The product does not fall apart.

The benefits of xanthan gum include:

  • harmlessness to humans;
  • the use of gum in small quantities;
  • low cost;
  • no change in properties after freezing;
  • high solubility in liquid;
  • resistance to acidic environment.

The thickener works well with pectin, gelatin, and other dietary supplements.

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Dangerous or not food additive E415

But many people are more interested in the question of how harmful xanthan gum is to the body. Experts say that the E415 additive does not lead to the development of negative consequences. There have been many studies that have shown that the thickener is not toxic.

People with digestive problems may experience stomach upset, increased bowel movements, loose stools, increased gas production, and allergic reactions. Therefore, you should not abuse xanthan gum.

Attention! Experts agree on one thing - xanthan gum is safe for the human body when consumed in absolutely any quantity. The absence of harm is associated with the fact that the substance has a high chemical inertness.
The E415 food additive can be found on the free market, as it is used not only in industry, but also at home.

What is xanthan gum used for

Most often, xanthan gum is included in food. The action is aimed at increasing the viscosity of liquids. Even if the stabilizer is added in a small amount, the water will still become viscous. The thing is that this emulsifier has powerful stabilizing properties. It is resistant to high and low temperatures, and also works in any pH environment.

Xanthan gum is necessary not only for cooking, but also for thickening some industrial-type liquids - glues, paints, solvents. Xanthan gum is found in fungicides, herbicides, insecticides. The emulsifier is useful in the development of toilet bowl products, and is used in oil drilling fluids.

The food additive is approved in many countries, including Russia, the USA, Belarus and Ukraine.

Xanthan gum in the food industry

Xanthan gum can be found in food. It is often added to gluten-free foods. The emulsifier gives them elasticity and volume, which gluten usually does in baked goods.

Food additive E415 is found in the following products:

  • salad dressings;
  • bakery products;
  • fruit juices;
  • soups;
  • ice cream;
  • sauces, ketchups, mayonnaises, adjika, horseradish and gravies;
  • syrups;
  • sweets - marmalade, jelly;
  • in foods that are regularly frozen.

The stabilizer improves the structure, affects the consistency, imparts flavor. Helps to increase the shelf life, but does not affect the taste in any way.

Important! The emulsifier can withstand almost any temperature regime. The presence of the additive in the products prevents their spreading.

You can also use xanthan gum at home. But you need to add a little powdery mass, otherwise you can spoil the food. If the amount is wrong, it will lead to the formation of unpleasant mucus. Outwardly, it will look unappetizing, but it will not do much harm anyway.

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The addition of an emulsifier will help to obtain a stable structure of jam, preserves or marmalade. These properties are due to the fact that xanthan gum reduces the process of moisture loss during heat treatment.

Experienced chefs use the E415 food additive in molecular cuisine. The emulsifier keeps the resulting spheres in their original form. They do not spread, they look beautiful outwardly.

To improve the consistency of the dish, you need to add no more than 1% of the stabilizer of the total weight of the product

The supplement is often used for medical purposes. A stabilizer is added to liquid food and fed to dysphagic patients. This allows you to eat dishes from meat, fish and vegetables, thereby providing the body with the necessary trace elements.

Xanthan gum in cosmetics

Xanthan gum is found in toothpaste, some cosmetics, and shampoos. A stabilizer is needed to make the mass thick and even. Also, this component connects solid particles in liquids.

The use of personal care products containing xanthan gum is not hazardous to health. The emulsifier does not affect the condition of the hair and skin.In rare cases, allergic reactions occur in highly sensitive adults and children. This process can be accompanied by itching, redness of some areas of the skin, and the appearance of rashes of different sizes.

Xanthan gum in dietetics

Food supplement E415 is recommended to be added when preparing dietary meals. Such food has a low energy value. It dissolves in the digestive tract and is not absorbed by the intestinal walls. At the same time, it normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Even a small amount of xanthan gum promotes fast saturation. The dieter does not want to eat for a long time. The component is displayed unchanged.

Food supplement E415 is considered non-toxic, therefore it is recommended for vegetarians and raw foodists.

The stabilizer can be included in a gluten-free diet, but should not be given to children under 3 years of age due to an incompletely formed digestive system.


Xanthan gum is of synthetic origin and comes in powder form. This type of nutritional supplement is inexpensive and can further reduce the cost of food. Adding stabilizer increases the weight of the dish. Despite these qualities, the E415 food additive is not dangerous for the human body. It is included in the composition of not only products, but also cosmetic and industrial products. In some cases, it allows you to lose weight and slow down metabolic processes in people who have frequent bowel movements.

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