What are the benefits of astaxanthin for the human body

The fashion for a healthy lifestyle is capturing more and more people every year. Most of them know very well what antioxidants are and what they are used for. The human body is aging and is exposed to the destructive effects of free radicals - antioxidants resist this. The most powerful antioxidant, astaxanthin, has been recently researched. This article will look at the benefits and harms of astaxanthin.

What is Astaxanthin

Astaxanthin is a carotenoid antioxidant substance. It is synthesized by microscopic algae.

Its cells need this substance to cope with extreme conditions and environmental damage, for example, when a body of water dries up.

The human body can receive this useful substance from the algae itself or from the inhabitants of the reservoir that feed on it.

It could be shellfish shrimp, krill, salmon fish.

Comment! Flamingos turn pink thanks to astaxanthin.

Health Benefits of Astaxanthin

Astaxanthin plays a vital role in metabolic and cell renewal processes, helping to eliminate the damage caused by factors that contribute to premature aging. The antioxidant is especially popular among people who play sports and lead an active lifestyle. This is due to the fact that the substance has beneficial properties for tendons, joints, reduces pain syndromes in muscles, increases strength and endurance, and inhibits inflammation.

For the brain

The consequence of aging of the body is an increased risk of neurodegenerative diseases: Alzheimer's, Parkinson's. Pathological processes characterized by the destruction of neural connections can lead to the following symptoms:

  • loss of memory;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • tremor;
  • anxious or restless feelings.

New research confirms that the benefits of astaxanthin can help preserve cognitive function and neutralize the damage from destructive processes.

For heart

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. In this case, oxidative and inflammatory processes play an overwhelming role. The health benefits of astaxanthin lie in its ability to lower markers of inflammatory and oxidative stress.

For skin

According to research, astaxanthin can slow down reactions triggered by ultraviolet light, and thereby reduce the harm from it. In this case, a useful agent can be taken orally and used topically. Astaxanthin is beneficial for women as it can simultaneously improve the appearance of the skin and treat skin conditions. A combination of dietary supplements and topical use is capable of:

  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • remove pigmentation caused by age-related changes;
  • increase the elastic properties of the skin;
  • normalize the level of moisture.

Experts say that astaxanthin is like a sun protection cream that works from the inside and reduces damage from external factors.At the same time, it accumulates in the layer of the skin, preventing burns and damage and benefiting the skin condition.

For sight

Diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts spread during aging. They contribute to a wide range of symptoms, from blurry vision to complete loss of vision. But proper nutrition and protection can prevent the purchase of glasses for both middle and old age.

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Astaxanthin is a beneficial remedy. The combination of lutein and zeaxanthin is able to prevent and neutralize the harm from age-related macular degeneration. In addition, it will benefit your eyesight, help reduce glare and blur, and increase contrast. Astaxanthin may be beneficial in fighting inflammation in the eye.

For the immune system

The immune system is especially sensitive to free radicals, they cause significant damage to it. Astaxanthin has properties to protect and exhibit immunomodulatory activity. In addition, the benefits of astaxanthin appear to increase the synthesis of immunoglobulins.

With diabetes mellitus

Usually, the indicators of oxidation processes in patients with diabetes mellitus are quite high. This is attributed to hyperglycemia and tissue damage in patients. The beneficial properties of astaxanthin will help reduce oxidative stress from hyperglycemia, improve glucose and insulin levels, and benefit cells.

With infertility in men

As statistics show, about 15% of couples around the world are concerned about infertility, while about half of the cases affect men. The most common pathologies of male reproductive function are:

  • problems with ejaculation;
  • varicocele.

Research has shown that the benefits of astaxanthin can improve sperm motility and fertility. In addition, men who took astaxanthin had better fertility rates compared to those who took placebo.

With various inflammations in the body

The inflammatory process is the body's response to harm caused by damaging factors. However, chronic inflammation can trigger diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart problems.

Most studies show that astaxanthin is beneficial for women in its ability to lower inflammation in the body. As a result, the beneficial properties of the antioxidant reduce the risk of such chronic pathological processes.

Separate studies indicate that the drug is able to act as an antitumor property, prevent the division and spread of cancer cells. In addition, the drug is beneficial in its analgesic properties.

For athletes

The drug has the ability to promote energy production at the cellular level and improve all body functions. The mitochondria that are in cells can be called microelectric power plants. The benefits of astaxanthin are not only in improving mitochondrial activity, but also in blocking the effects of free radicals.

Astaxanthin supplementation can help neutralize damage from muscle damage during exercise and exercise. Thus, it can be concluded that astaxanthin is able to bring significant benefits to the human body and neutralize harm from external influences.

Sources of Astaxanthin

The sources of astaxanthin are rare algae that live in the sea, and the creatures that feed on them are shrimp, salmon, lobster and others, their pinkish color is due to the antioxidant pigment.

But the problem is that it is very difficult to extract the beneficial properties of astaxanthin exclusively from natural sources.Consuming 3-4 milligrams of the antioxidant will require eating about 150 grams of wild-raised salmon each day. Of course, it is extremely difficult to find it on sale, and once found, regularly purchase it, since the price will be high. Plus, a lot of people don't eat seafood, so they won't be able to get the antioxidant benefits from it. For those who want to get the beneficial properties of astaxanthin and neutralize the harm from the negative effects of the environment, dietary supplements with this antioxidant have been developed.

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How to take astaxanthin correctly

Any drug has its own instructions for admission, before use, you should definitely study it, since each manufacturer sets its own concentrations and recommendations for admission. This is how you can get all the beneficial properties of the drug and avoid possible harm.

Important! The key to getting the benefits is to remember that Astaxanthin is consumed with meals.

The beneficial properties of the substance appear gradually, since it has a cumulative effect and will work for a certain period after the completion of the course. Astaxanthin is contained in various vitamin complexes, so it's easy to get its beneficial properties, just buy the drug you like.

Side effects and contraindications

It was found that the substance has no contraindications or side effects. However, there is a small risk of developing allergic reactions.

Important! If you are pregnant or lactating, or if you have bronchial asthma, you should consult a specialist before taking astaxanthin.

Choosing the right astaxanthin supplement

To obtain all the beneficial properties from taking the drug, as well as to avoid harm, it is important to choose the right dietary supplement.

  1. The first step is to make sure that astaxanthin itself is in the first place, and not other ingredients, in which case the dosage of the drug will be sufficient.
  2. In addition, it is necessary that the antioxidant itself be obtained from algae and not from other sources. This must certainly be indicated on the packaging.
  3. It is important that the antioxidant is contained in the fat base. Without additional fatty acid supplements, it is very difficult to digest.
  4. The shelf life is also very important: the drug should not be stored for more than two years from the date of release.

Important! Preparations with a shelf life longer than two years should be alarming. Such a long shelf life of dietary supplements suggests that synthetic components are used there.


Thus, the benefits and harms of astaxanthin are obvious, the antioxidant has many beneficial properties. Its reception is shown to almost everyone, regardless of gender and age. At the same time, it is important to choose the right dietary supplement with this substance, it depends on the choice: the harm or benefit will be the result of taking the drug.


Petrova Anna Vasilievna, 38 years old, Orenburg
Saw Astaxanthin for six months. I can say for sure that I can see better. It is surprising! But the effect lasted for about three months, after a while after the intake it stopped. I want to buy another package and check if it really was an antioxidant effect.
Vasilyeva Marina Yurievna, 42 years old, Penza
An excellent antioxidant! Indeed, it increases performance, it is useful in the recovery process after physical exertion. I got the drug after reading the reviews of doctors about astaxanthin on the Internet. At first I didn't even believe that there would be an effect. But after that I noticed that it was easier to get up in the morning, I worked more actively and began to feel much more cheerful. I will take more!
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