What is melatonin for, side effects, how to take

The benefits and harms of melatonin have been clarified relatively recently, the so-called sleep hormone is not yet well understood. Most of the tests of the artificial drug were conducted on animals, the results of tests in humans were about short-term effects. There is no exact data on the long-term effect of taking the substance, but now it is recognized as a harmless dietary supplement.

What is melatonin and what is it for

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland. Its quantity affects the quality, quantity of sleep, related processes. The benefits and harms from the presence or absence of a substance are associated with the ability to control the "activity-rest" cycle.

The hormone acts most of all at night, when falling asleep. It is believed that it strengthens the immune system, helps to avoid premature aging. The main beneficial property is improving the quality of sleep, protecting against stress.

There is a theory that it is beneficial as a preventive against cancer. This ability is poorly understood, so you should avoid considering it a cure for cancer.

In addition to correcting the circadian rhythm, melatonin is beneficial for men, eliminating potency problems. The harm of the substance to males is identical to the harm to women.

When and how the hormone is produced

The body produces a substance on a specific schedule. The pineal gland produces melatonin at night, starting at dusk, with a peak at 24:00 and a decline around 4:00 in the morning. This is one of the reasons why early sleep is beneficial.

In order for the beneficial properties of a substance to fully manifest itself, it is produced enough, the following rules must be observed:

  • curtains should be hung opaque, blocking the light of lanterns, city lighting;
  • it is useful to go to bed from 21.00 to 24.00;
  • when you can't go to rest until midnight, it is advisable to dim the light;
  • an hour before bedtime, it is recommended to avoid exposure to computer monitors, e-books, tablets;
  • Before falling asleep, a small cup of cocoa will benefit;
  • when overworked, it is useful to drink tea made from soothing herbs: chamomile, motherwort, valerian and others.

The production mode is designed for an abstract, ideal organism. Individuals may have slightly different internal clocks. The existence of the so-called larks and owls cannot be denied. The mode of activity of the former fully corresponds to the cycle of production of the substance, and of the latter, it differs significantly from the norm. Attempts to artificially correct circadian rhythms will be harmful. It has been noticed that people who are forced to live in an alien cycle are more likely to get sick, irritable and prone to depression.

Important! The generally accepted mode of work, rest is suitable only for the majority, "owls" help to adapt to an alien cycle of "activity-rest" with herbal infusions, low doses of melatonin.

Benefits of Melatonin

The benefits of melatonin tablets outweigh the potential harm. For men, women, taking the drug is indicated in the same cases. Rarely, taking a substance is contraindicated - this is not a reason to refuse if a doctor has prescribed.

Melatonin to help normalize sleep

As a sleep hormone, the substance is associated with the regulation of the cycle of wakefulness, rest. The beneficial properties of melatonin primarily relate to improving sleep quality. The medicine helps:

  • cure insomnia;
  • it is better to get enough sleep, eliminate the feeling of weakness in the morning;
  • stop waking up at night, in the morning, ahead of time;
  • fall asleep quickly after waking up;
  • easier to endure the change of time zones.

Melatonin does not have to be taken as a dietary supplement in order to benefit, it is permissible to limit yourself to natural ways to increase the substance content. The risk of harm is minimal, and the opposite is true.

Increased life expectancy

Experiments with mice have shown that it increases their lifespan by 20%. There are no such studies with humans. There is no reliable information on the effect on longevity of other mammals.

Melatonin is believed to play the same role for the human body, and the benefits are not limited to circadian rhythm correction. In medical circles, it is customary to recognize the property of a substance to prolong life despite the lack of information about it. No harm to life expectancy was noted.

Slimming Melatonin

For women, the benefits of melatonin are complemented by its effects on the figure. Some nutritionists prescribe this drug to help you lose weight. This is due to the unobvious beneficial properties of the substance:

  • melatonin is able to regulate metabolism;
  • normalizing sleep, the substance controls appetite, reduces the desire for sweets;
  • the hormone helps to maintain the required amount of brown fat.

This substance is responsible for heat exchange - the more of it, the more calories are spent if there is no physical activity.

Taking the drug, we must not forget that, in addition to the benefits, minor harm is possible. It is impossible to drink medications containing the substance in the morning and in the afternoon - they cause drowsiness.

Symptoms of a Melatonin Deficiency

Melatonin tablets will be beneficial when it is not produced enough, because the lack of a substance is harmful to health. The symptoms of a deficiency are obvious:

  • insomnia;
  • restless sleep;
  • difficulty falling asleep
  • chronic fatigue.

Additional symptoms caused by a lack of melatonin, hidden:

  • depression;
  • forgetfulness;
  • menstrual irregularities in women;
  • high blood pressure.
Important! Deficiencies should be identified by tests, as self-diagnosis will do more harm than good. With the identified symptoms, you should contact a specialist for the appointment of the necessary examinations.

How to normalize melatonin production

A lack of melatonin is harmful to health, the beneficial properties of the substance are important to the body. Normalize the level of the substance is available by natural methods. The following methods will help to increase concentration:

  • there are foods that increase the amount of a substance;
  • you can control the regime, go to bed, get up on schedule;
  • complete darkness is required during sleep, excluding the use of a night light, blackout curtains drawn.

Before trying to increase the content of the hormone, it is useful to get a diagnosis from a specialist. Otherwise, patients miss a more serious problem, harming the body with the wrong treatment.

The beneficial properties of melatonin are independent of the way the body receives the substance. Drugs, food, activity regimen - the effect is the same. Harm is possible from an overdose of pills.

What foods contain melatonin

A high concentration of the hormone will be harmful to health. The beneficial properties with increasing dose will remain the same level as with a low dose. An overdose of melatonin occurs when its content is elevated by food. Rich in substance:

  • cherries;
  • tomatoes;
  • bran bread;
  • Pine nuts;
  • bananas;
  • corn;
  • carrot;
  • barley;
  • rice;
  • radish.
Recommended reading:  Why are bananas useful?

For the formation of melatonin, the amino acid tryptophan is required, which is contained in:

  • legumes;
  • nuts;
  • cereals;
  • fermented milk products;
  • cocoa;
  • poultry meat.

It is recommended to increase the amount of melatonin by increasing the amount of tryptophan, the lack of an amino acid does not harm the body, the production of the hormone will stop. The beneficial properties of the products will help, there are no side effects.

Important! Caffeine, alcohol, lack of carbohydrates, and smoking all lower the amount of the hormone. It is recommended to give up bad habits, drink more cocoa, eat chocolate.

Features of taking melatonin and dosage

The useful properties of the drug, the likelihood of harm depend on the way the drug is taken. The drug is available in tablets, capsules. Take the form prescribed by a specialist.

How to take melatonin tablets

To exclude harm to health, the medicine is drunk according to the scheme determined by the doctor, according to the instructions attached to the package, then the beneficial properties will appear completely, in contrast to harm.

It is recommended to take the drug 1 hour before rest: 1 tablet, each of which contains 1.5–3 mg of the substance. Depending on the form of release, the medicine is washed down with water, kept under the tongue, waiting for complete resorption.

Insomnia is treated by taking the pill 3 hours before falling asleep. With frequent change of time zones, the medicine is drunk for 3-4 days. The rest of the cases require treatment until the symptoms are completely eliminated. Further use is neutral, does not bring any benefit or harm.

What time to take melatonin

In the morning, in the afternoon, it is recommended to avoid taking the medication, it is permissible in one case - a strongly disturbed daily regimen. The rest of the cases involve taking in the evening, before bedtime.

When there is a problem - unexpected awakenings at night with the inability to fall asleep afterwards - it is useful to take the medicine 15 minutes before rest.

Melatonin during pregnancy

The properties of melatonin for women in certain periods of life are harmful instead of good. Pregnant women who are breastfeeding are not allowed to take the substance in case of urgent need. Increasing melatonin is beneficial by consuming more naturally-boosting foods. To improve falling asleep in pregnant women, other means are used that do not harm the expectant mother, the fetus.

Can melatonin be given to children?

Children under 16 are advised to avoid consumption. The effect of the substance on a growing body has been little studied; drugs are taken under the supervision of a doctor, after 12 years.

Some experts advise avoiding taking the medicine until the age of 18, explaining the recommendation by a lack of information about theoretical harm.

Important! The medicine can have an unpredictable effect on a developing organism. The potential harm is theoretically higher than the potential benefit.

Melatonin harm and side effects

The substance is partially safe, in addition to benefits, harm is possible. Melatonin has few side effects. These include:

  • drowsiness;
  • rarely - an allergic reaction;
  • lethargy;
  • nausea;
  • distraction of attention;
  • slowness of reactions;
  • stomach upset.

Observing the prescribed dosages, side effects are avoided, the drug does not cause harm, and beneficial properties appear.

Contraindications for taking melatonin

Sometimes it is harmful to take the drug. There are several cases when the substance cannot be taken, although there are few of them.

  1. Melatonin is contraindicated in breastfeeding and pregnancy.
  2. The drug is not allowed for children.
  3. In rare cases of allergic reactions.
  4. When a person has diabetes mellitus - due to incompatibility with medications taken.
  5. For severe depression, some types of drugs do not work well with the drug.
  6. Patients with epilepsy, leukemia, too, should not take the remedy.
Important! Sleeping pills of chemical origin will not replace natural ones with melatonin.They put you to sleep, but they don't promote healthy relaxation. The beneficial properties of artificial sleeping pills are questionable.

Melatonin analogs

Useful properties of the hormone can be obtained from other drugs, analogues. They have a different composition, the beneficial effect is similar.

  1. Melaxen.
  2. Menovalen.
  3. Sleep.
  4. Relaxed.
  5. Bioson.
  6. Seda-Mix.
  7. Donormil.
  8. Deprivit.
  9. Valesan.
  10. Vernison.

The first item contains melatonin, the rest, besides Donormil, are herbal remedies. Harm is possible with intolerance to some components. In other cases, the beneficial properties of herbs will replace the hormone.


The benefits and harms of melatonin have been partially studied, the use of tablets in the long term can have a negative effect on the patient. With violations of circadian rhythms, the intake of the substance has a positive effect on the cycles of rest and wakefulness. Useful properties of dietary supplements are irreplaceable.

Reviews and opinions of doctors

Egorova Marina, 30 years old, Krasnodar
I avoid prescribing melatonin to children for insomnia. It is best to give natural soothing herbal preparations. The child's body has not yet been formed, it is impossible to predict how a little-studied drug will affect it.
Antropov Pavel, 38 years old, Vladivostok
I did not observe any side effects from taking melatonin, but I prescribe with caution. Adults are preliminarily sent for examination. The reasons for insomnia are not only a lack of this substance.
Smirnova Marina, 54 years old, Orenburg
I prescribe the drug only for the elderly, against insomnia. I think that in other cases it is more expedient to adjust food habits and activity regime. Young people don't need to drink extra pills. Useful properties are not enough reason to load the body.

Patient reviews

Mileeva Angelina, 30 years old, Arkhangelsk
Prescribed melatonin to improve sleep. I took it as prescribed. The result is really better. One of the side effects spoiled the impression a little - periodic dizziness. But the insomnia was gone.
Evseeva Tatiana, 37 years old, Yelabuga
The doctor prescribed the sleep hormone melatonin, in tablets, for insomnia. She showed up after working the night shifts. Sleep after taking it returned to normal, an additional pleasant bonus - I lost a little weight. The figure was fine, but the surprise was pleasant.
Avdeev Oleg, 50 years old, Anadyr
Sleep became worse with age. Complained to the doctor at the physical examination, he prescribed some kind of melatonin. Until I read what it is, I thought - another nonsense. Having learned more, I went to the pharmacy, I drink as prescribed. Now I sleep perfectly.
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