Coconut water (juice): beneficial properties and recipes

Coconut water is nothing more than the endosperm of the unripe fruit of the coconut tree. It is the main ingredient in the beauty and youth of the inhabitants of the tropical regions and is considered one of the best herbal ingredients recognized throughout the world. For many centuries it has been used in cooking, cosmetology and even medicine. What is the reason for this popularity and what are the benefits and harms of coconut water in fact?

Chemical composition and caloric content of coconut water

One coconut contains from 200 ml to 1 liter of water. The drink has a low calorie content (20 kcal per 100 grams) and satisfies the body's daily need for nutrients by no more than 8%. In view of this, coconut water cannot act as a source of energy and replace complete meals. However, it contains many vitamins and electrolytes, which make water an excellent addition to the usual diet and provide invaluable health benefits.

Chemical composition and energy value per 100 grams of coconut water:


The energy value









Alimentary fiber



Chemical composition

Vitamins (B1, B2, B4, B6, B9, PP, C)

7 mg

Minerals (zinc, selenium, copper, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron)


425 mg

Important! Coconut water is free of starch, cholesterol, sugar and unhealthy fats. This makes it a useful dietary product.

Benefits of Coconut Water

Coconut juice owes its beneficial properties to a rich set of natural electrolytes. These substances play an important role in the composition of human blood, being responsible for the metabolic rate, heart rate, increased immunity, purification of the blood and gastrointestinal tract, as well as the work of many systems and physiological processes.

Quenches thirst

Coconut water not only perfectly quenches thirst, but also helps with poisoning. It consists of 95% water and has a high magnesium content, which is very beneficial for dehydration (loss of total fluid during diarrhea, vomiting, physical exertion).

Stabilizes pressure

Due to its high potassium content, the drink is able to normalize the work of heart contractions. This property brings invaluable benefits to hypertensive patients, as it allows them to stabilize blood pressure and minimize the possible risks of negative consequences.

Prevents kidney stones

Due to its diuretic properties, natural juice can cleanse the body of harmful toxins and act as a preventive measure against the appearance of kidney stones.

Reduces blood sugar

The drink is a good source of magnesium, which improves insulin sensitivity and has the ability to lower blood sugar levels.

Helps with hangovers

A hangover occurs as a result of liver failure. A large number of harmful toxins interfere with the function of the organ, so a person feels intense thirst and discomfort. Coconut water normalizes water balance in the body, and vitamin C helps to relieve residual symptoms of poor health.

Reduces the risk of heart disease

Among the miraculous properties of the nut, an honorable place is occupied by its ability to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels by removing harmful substances. This helps to minimize the risks of developing heart defects and diseases.

Normalizes the pH level in the body

Palm fruit water helps to normalize acidity levels. This property is useful both for the prevention of the formation of pathogenic microbes inside the body, and for the treatment of patients suffering from heartburn, gastritis and diabetes.

Heals headache

Headaches are often the result of dehydration or high blood pressure. Since this drink is an excellent helper for both dehydration and hypertension, its use for migraines will only benefit.

Helps Deal With Stress

Maintaining electrolyte levels helps reduce fatigue and stress. The combination of potassium and magnesium is a good way to relieve muscle tension, and the pleasant neutral taste of coconut water allows the body to actively produce serotonin (a hormone of good mood).

Strengthens the immune system

The walnut water contains immunomodulators and a rich vitamin complex. Such a composition, although insignificantly, is still capable of increasing immunity.

Rejuvenates the body

Nut water is rich in cytokinins, which are responsible for the growth, development and regeneration of body cells. Help in these processes makes the drink a source of youth and an essential means for maintaining inner beauty.

Benefits of coconut water for athletes

An interesting statement was made at a meeting of the American Chemical Society. Professor Bhattacharya conducted a series of studies, during which she recorded the positive effect of coconut juice on the body of athletes. The fact is that the properties of a natural drink make it possible to replenish the necessary supply of useful trace elements and antioxidants. Thus, by drinking a glass of juice before and after training, you can saturate the body with exactly those nutrients that were lost during high physical activity.

Important! 1 liter of water contains 1500 mg of potassium. This is about 5 times more than the same amount of the famous sports drink from Gatorade or Powerade.

Slimming coconut water

Coconut is a popular dietary product, however, its juice is considered the most suitable for weight loss. Due to the lack of fat, even heavy consumption of it will not cause any harm. But the high content of fiber and other electrolytes will help contain bloating, remove excess fluid from the body and normalize metabolic processes. Nutritionists recommend taking coconut water on an empty stomach. It is this method of use that allows you to maximize the beneficial properties of an exotic drink.

The use of coconut water in cosmetology

Coconut is considered a valuable ingredient in many cosmetics. It has firmly established itself as a natural moisturizer and nourishing ingredient. Coconut oil is very popular in cosmetology, as it is perfectly absorbed and has an easy-to-apply consistency. However, water from the walnut kernel is no less useful and is often used to maintain beauty:

  • Coconut water is an essential remedy for brittle hair. In exotic countries, curls are rinsed with liquid to give them strength and shine.Hair benefits are due to the presence of lauric acid, which has a beneficial effect on the hair structure and scalp;
  • Good for the skin. Of course, the valuable substances of coconut water also have a positive effect on the skin of the face. With regular washing, cytokinins and phytohormones help skin cells to actively renew themselves, which makes the skin elastic and prolongs youth.

Interesting! There is a myth that the liquid of a young coconut has an identical composition with venous blood plasma and can even replace it. The comparison is due to the fact that coconut juice is sterile and indeed has a similar electrolyte composition to blood. Intravenous coconut water is being explored to this day. The only unequivocal conclusion was that it is absorbed and absorbed much better than derivatives of other exotic plants or medicinal herbs.

How to drink coconut water properly

Coconut water is very popular in tropical countries. In Malaysia and Thailand, it is called the "juice of life" and is sold literally everywhere - on the streets, markets, and supermarkets. The best quality and healthiest juice is found in unripe green coconuts. However, the industry does not stand still and you can find a super drink in any health food store around the world. Regardless of the manufacturer, store drinks are less healthy. They contain more sugar, preservatives, and other harmful additives. In addition, the taste of real coconut juice and the store drink has some differences. Despite this, even canned coconut water is valued much higher than the recognized mineral water. It can be consumed on an empty stomach, during a diet and even sports training.

How to use coconut water for medicinal purposes

Coconut juice is also beneficial in medicine. It is used as a prophylactic against diseases, viruses and even parasites.

From worms

In the 1980s, studies were conducted, during which it was found that coconut products are an excellent means of fighting parasites. Presumably, one of the fatty acids found in the pulp of the nut is responsible for pest control. To get rid of worms, doctors prescribe pulp, milk or coconut juice. After taking it, the patient needs to take a laxative. This method eliminates parasites from 9 out of 10 infected within the first day.

Recommended reading:  The benefits and harms of coconut milk for the body
Important! In addition to worms, the drink copes well with other harmful parasites. Among them are lice, lamblia, and the hard-to-remove candida fungus.

For flu and colds

Of course, an exotic drink cannot cure a cold overnight. Coconut water is used as part of complex therapy and is taken warm. Drinking the drink on an empty stomach will help to maximize its antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

With dehydration

With slight dehydration (loss of up to 3% of total fluid), coconut juice is drunk fractionally, in small portions. This will help to gradually replace the loss of fluids and nutrients.

Important! If you are dehydrated, do not drink fortified drinks in one gulp. A sharp rise in electrolytes can negatively affect the body, harming the general condition and well-being.

Coconut water in cooking

Coconut is an indispensable tool for adherents of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Its juice is used as a base for summer refreshments, yoghurts and desserts. Walnut juice goes well with tropical fruit flavors such as pineapple, banana, mango or avocado. There are many recipes for smoothies based on coconut water and berries, and the famous tropical cocktail "Pina Colada" is made with coconut pulp, juice, rum and pineapple.

Recommended reading:  Why pineapple is useful

Coconut Water Drink Recipes

Coconut water smoothies are a great nutritious breakfast or snack throughout the day.To prepare it you will need:

  • coconut water - 200 ml;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • mango - 1 pc.;
  • peach - 1 pc.
Recommended reading:  Why is mango useful?

Method of preparation: Wash fruits thoroughly and cut into cubes. Mix all ingredients in a blender bowl and grind until smooth.

The second popular coconut water drink is tropical iced tea.

To prepare it you will need:

  • coconut water - 200 ml;
  • ginger root - 10 g;
  • lime - ¼ pcs.;
  • fresh thyme.

Cooking method:

  1. Place thyme, ginger and lime in a long-drink glass and press down with a mudler (crush).
  2. Add a few ice cubes and cover with coconut juice.

Harm of coconut water and contraindications for use

Like any other natural ingredient, coconut juice can bring the body not only benefits, but also harm. Despite the fact that at present no significant contraindications have been identified, it is still worth following some recommendations. People should refuse to drink juice:

  • With individual intolerance;
  • an excess of potassium.

It is also advised to exclude juice immediately before any surgical intervention. In specific cases, its effect on heart rate can be harmful.

How Coconut Water Is Different From Coconut Milk

It is impossible to confuse milk and water. The visible difference between coconut water and coconut milk lies in the characteristic color and consistency. Milk is produced artificially by mixing nut pulp, ripe endosperm fluid and water. It is high in calories and rich in fatty acids, while water is a lighter, transparent drink of natural origin.

Coconut water storage

In order for coconut water to bring benefits to the body, and not harm, it is important to observe storage standards. When it comes to green coconut, it is best to drink the drink right away. Otherwise, it can be stored for no more than a day. Store-bought canned food does not spoil much longer. It can retain useful properties for up to 12 months (at temperatures from 0 aboutFrom to 30 aboutC), and in an opened package - no more than 1 week.


The benefits and harms of coconut water depend on its quality. Drinking a fresh drink, you can be sure of its nutritional properties and positive effects on the body.


Krynkina Tatyana Olegovna, 26 years old, Krasnodar
Coconuts are my passion. I really love coconut milk and buy it all the time. Due to a strict diet, the trainer limited me in this delicious dessert and advised me to switch to coconut water. It is lower in calories and can even replace sports drinks. By the way, my coach is a master of his craft with many years of experience and experience. I completely trust his advice and recommendations. Now for every workout I carry a can of coconut water with me and I am absolutely happy!
Larina Snezhana Viktorovna, 32 years old, St. Petersburg
I am more than sure that this drink is overrated. I lived in Thailand for two and a half years and regularly drank it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The fact that people in Asia are much healthier than ours is due to the climate and nutrition in general, and not exclusively to coconut water. When in the tropics, I highly recommend drinking coconut juice. There it is available, it really quenches your thirst and is sold literally at every turn. However, there is no point in buying it in stores at an extremely high price tag. He has no magical healing properties, which I am constantly told about.
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