The benefits and harms of dates for the body

Dates are delicious, aromatic and juicy fruits of the East and Egypt. The benefits and harms of dates have been known to people since ancient times.

Fresh dates have a slightly viscous taste and dark red color. Dried or sun-dried fruits are dark brown in color. But the taste of dried dates seems to many people even better and tastier than fresh ones. At the same time, dried fruits do not lose their beneficial qualities, help restore health and protect against viruses.

Composition and calorie content of dates

Dates contain a lot of useful elements for the human body. For example, 100 gr. the product contains:

  • potassium - 380 mg;
  • magnesium - 59 mg;
  • copper - 0.351 mcg;
  • phosphorus - 59 mg;
  • calcium - 71 mg;
  • iron - 1.6 mg;
  • zinc - 0.41 mg;
  • manganese - 0.284 mcg
  • sodium - 35 mg.

Also present are vitamins such as:

  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - 0.5 mg.
  • Thiamin (vitamin B1) - 0.08 mg.
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2) - 0.059 mg.
  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) - 0.807 mg
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) - 0.02 mg.
  • Vitamin A - 0.05 mg.
  • Vitamin E - 0.06 mg.
  • Vitamin PP - 2.1 mg.

Energy value of fruits:

  • proteins - 2.6 g;
  • carbohydrates - 70 g;
  • fats - 0.8 g.

The calorie content of dates is 272 kcal per 100 grams.

The calorie content of 1 date averages 22-25 kcal

Why are dates useful?

Dried fruits are extremely useful for the human body. Here are the benefits of eating exotic fruits:

  • dates normalize digestion;
  • improve bowel function due to indigestible dietary fiber;
  • are the prevention of cancer;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • reliably protect against viruses and increase immunity;
  • help with ARVI;
  • stabilize the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • reduce high blood pressure.

And this is not a complete list of all the beneficial properties of the fruit.

The benefits of dates for women

The beneficial properties of dates for women are that:

  • Fruits have a beneficial effect on the female body, relieving nervousness and stress.
  • Regular consumption of dried fruits helps to improve vision;
  • Also 2-3 fruits are able to relieve flatulence and constipation.
  • With the help of dates, you can increase hemoglobin;
  • You can use dates after childbirth for a quick recovery of the body;
  • Eating dates is a preventive measure against breast cancer.

For men

The beneficial properties of dates for men are that:

  • libido increases;
  • erection improves;
  • depression and apathy disappear;
  • the intestinal microflora is normalized;
  • slags are removed;

If a man goes in for sports or wants to build muscle, then dried fruits will help him gain muscle mass very quickly.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, doctors strongly recommend consuming these exotic fruits. After all, they contain all the necessary vitamins for the growth and development of the fetus.

So, what are the benefits of fruits during pregnancy:

  • Fruits help to fill the calcium and potassium deficiency in the body of the expectant mother;
  • Dates contain folic acid.It is an important element for the intrauterine development of the fetus;
  • Also, fruits help to rid the body of a pregnant woman from edema;
  • Eating exotic fruits normalizes blood pressure.
  • Dried fruits have a positive effect on the development of the central nervous system of the fetus.
  • Fruits are great for insomnia.
Attention! It is a known fact that taking dates has a beneficial effect on the pelvic floor muscles, strengthening them.

Dates are a great way to improve lactation. Exotic fruits help with milk production, making it nutritious and healthy. However, they do not cause upset stomach and colic in the child.

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Is it possible for children to date

Dates have a great effect on the child's immune system. They protect against viruses, strengthen the teeth and bones of the baby, and are very beneficial for the brain's activity of the child.

The benefits of dried fruits for the child's body:

  • Dates are a source of fast-digesting carbohydrates. Therefore, after breakfast with the addition of dried fruits, the child will be full of strength and energy for the whole day;
  • The fruits have a gentle effect on the intestines and relieve constipation;
  • Help with dysbiosis;
  • They are the prevention of anemia.

Dried fruits can be introduced into the child's diet from 1.5-2 years old. But it should be done very carefully.

Initially, you can give one fruit and see the baby's reaction. If there is no allergic reaction to the product, then you can regularly prepare meals from these fruits. For example, children simply adore compote made from dried dates. You can also add them to cereals, baked goods, and more.

Dried dates: benefits and harms

Dried date palm fruits are no different from fresh ones. They contain all the useful vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body. Dried fruits are beneficial for heart, liver and kidney diseases. Also, the use of dates has a beneficial effect on the immune and nervous system.

Despite all the benefits of eating fruits, dried fruits can harm the body in some cases, for example:

  • With diabetes. Dried fruits greatly increase blood glucose;
  • Overweight. Fruits are high in calories and have a high glycemic index of 140 units.
  • Dried dates with seeds can lead to tooth decay due to their high sugar content. Therefore, after use, you must thoroughly brush your teeth.

Date bones: application and useful properties

The seeds from these exotic fruits are also beneficial. For example, they can be taken in the treatment of bladder and kidney stones. To do this, dry the bones and grind thoroughly with a blender. Then boil with boiling water, cool and filter. The broth should be drunk once a day.

You can also wash your eyes with a broth from the bones with conjunctivitis.

From the seeds of the fruit, oil is made, which is then used in cosmetology. It is added to anti-aging serums, creams and body scrubs. Date seed oil is actively used in various SPA - procedures.

Dates for weight loss

Nutritionists do not recommend eating more than 3-5 dried fruits per day. This is due to the fact that they have an extremely high caloric value and glycemic index. By the way, they will not help you lose weight, but only add extra pounds to your original weight. It is best to eat 3-4 dried fruits per day, instead of sweets, and stick to proper nutrition, than to follow dubious mono diets on exotic fruits. Diet on dates, designed for 3 weeks, with proper nutrition and sports, can still help you lose excess. The main thing is not to lean on junk food after completion, but to adhere to the same diet as during the diet. Otherwise, the weight will return.

Is it possible to eat dates with diabetes

Many doctors believe that the fruits will not harm in the initial form of diabetes mellitus, but you should still be careful and eat no more than 1-2 dried fruits a day.

With a complicated and severe form of diabetes, you should refrain from using them.

How to choose dates when buying

To choose ripe and healthy dried fruits, you need to follow some recommendations when buying.

  • First of all, pay attention to the appearance of exotic fruits. They should have a matte, dark brown color. Choose dried fruits without cracks and foreign smell.
  • In no case should the skin peel off on dried fruits. Otherwise, it means that the fruit is overripe and possibly rotten.
  • The fruit should not be too hard or too soft.
  • Try to buy dates that are not very clumped together. If they are shiny and sticky too much, it could mean they were treated with sugar syrup. There will be no benefit to the body from such fruits.
  • It is desirable that the dried fruit has a bone. Otherwise, there is a possibility that pests could get there. The calorie content of pitted dates is 277 kcal per 100 grams of product.
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Date syrup: benefits and uses

Date syrup is a popular and, most importantly, healthy sugar substitute. The syrup contains a lot of iron, vitamin B and C. The calorie content of the syrup is 190 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Date syrup is obtained by squeezing juice from fresh fruit.

The benefits of using date syrup:

  • improves complexion;
  • relieves edema;
  • increases hemoglobin;
  • improves immunity;
  • is the prevention of malignant neoplasms;
  • can be used for weight loss;
  • positively affects the functioning of the nervous system.

How to store dates at home

To prevent dried fruits from spoiling, it is important to store them properly. To do this, you need to place the fruits in a container or in a glass jar. Close the lid tightly and refrigerate.

Dried fruits are well stored in a dark and cool place for up to 10 months.

You can not store fruits:

  • in an open container;
  • in the sun;
  • in a damp room.

How many dates to eat per day

To obtain the daily intake of necessary vitamins and minerals, you need to eat 5-10 fruits.

Eating more fruits threatens weight gain or the development of diabetes. After all, the calorie content of dried dates is 272 kcal.

Do dates wash

Exotic fruits must be washed before use. Because before getting to the shops, fruits go a very long way from collection to transportation.

Also, for better preservation of fruits, they are treated with sulfur dioxide or sugar syrup. All this can negatively affect health and cause irreparable harm.

How to wash dates properly:

  • Dried fruits should be washed with warm, but not boiling water.
  • Before that, you need to sort them out, removing all spoiled fruits.
  • Then you need to put the fruits in a colander and rinse.
  • Then spread out on a towel and let dry.
  • Everything. Dried fruits are ready to eat.

Dates harm and contraindications

Fruits can cause significant harm to the human body if they are excessively consumed, as well as:

  • with kidney disease;
  • with obesity;
  • with caries;
  • with increased acidity of the stomach.

It is contraindicated to eat dried fruits for many diseases, for example:

  • an allergic reaction to the product;
  • individual intolerance;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypotension;
  • liver diseases;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcer.


Lyudmila, St. Petersburg
Dates are one of my favorite treats. They contain a lot of nutrients and vitamins. To get the required amount of vitamins, it is enough to eat just a handful of fruits. It's just great. I feel light in my stomach and full of energy. I replaced baked goods and sweets with dried fruits. And yet I do not feel a strong craving for harmful sweets. Only you need to eat them 3 hours before going to bed, because they take a very long time to digest.
Yulia Yurievna, Novosibirsk
During pregnancy, my doctor recommended that I consume dates every day, as they contain B9 folic acid. It contributes to the correct development of the fetus. All vitamins contained in dried fruits are quickly and easily absorbed by the body. And this is undoubtedly good for the baby. It is also useful to eat dried fruits in late pregnancy. They contain oxytocin. They have a beneficial effect on the muscles of the uterus and relieve hypertonicity. In general, I recommend it to pregnant women. But do not get too carried away with them in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.
Tamara, Ufa
Before, I was indifferent to dates. But after the birth of the child, I constantly wanted sweets. Accordingly, she began to gain weight quickly. I read about the benefits of these fruits on the Internet and decided that I would not eat any more sweets. I'll try to replace them with dried fruits. Of course, I wasn't sure that I would last long on them. But for 6 months now I have absolutely not eaten sweets, I even drink tea with these fruits. The results are amazing: the excess weight disappeared, the figure began to look fit and, most importantly, the state of health improved. I am very glad that I decided to replace useless products with these fruits. Just do not overdo it, they have a very high calorie content.


Date palm fruits are a storehouse of vitamins. The benefits and harms of dates are due to the composition of the product. And it doesn't matter in what form to use them. The main thing is to observe the measure!

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